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What is excluded?

Because medical insurance is so complicated, each policy has their own set of exclusions and conditions.
A brief overview is given here, but make sure the topic is discussed when you chat with one of the team.

– most, if not all, medical insurers have a waiting period for maternity cover. This means if you’re currently pregnant and apply for medical insurance, costs arising from the pregnancy will not be covered. After all, you will pay the insurer probably about 4,000 Dhs, and then they will have to pay nearly ten times this!

– cover for dental is generally excluded too, apart from on the more expensive policies.

– treatment in relation to sexually transmitted diseases

– items like hair products, sanitary items, antiseptics, dental care products, milk, nutritional and dietary products

– hearing aids

– contraception, birth controls

– vitamins and minerals

– bandages, crepes, etc.