Can I pay my car insurance premium with a credit card? And is it safe to do so?

Now that we have the possibility of buying car insurance from the comfort of our homes we get why such questions emerge. And although that seems like a direct question with an easy answer, we can’t speak for every insurance provider out there.

With online insurance becoming more popular among car drivers in the UAE, paying for an insurance premium with a credit card is often accepted by different insurance providers nowadays. Some accept cheques and bank transfers as well.

Choosing an insurance provider you trust

The important thing to remember is, you need to choose an insurance provider you can trust with your banking details. Just like you would carefully evaluate any shopping website you will share your card details with (if you have safety concerns please check our previous blog: Is it safe to purchase car insurance online?)

Additional benefits of paying with a credit card

One added benefit of paying with a credit card is, some insurance providers and some credit cards offer you to pay the premium through monthly payments, instead of a one-time payment. So you might want to check with your credit card or insurance provider if this is something you might be interested in.

As always, we at are delighted to help you with all your insurance needs and are only one step away. Why wait? Give it a try today!

About Author

Rachel Al Mughairi

About Author

With over 34 years in the international insurance industry in a variety of senior management roles, and as holder of the Diploma in Insurance from the Chartered Insurance Institute, Rachel surely knows her insurance! With experience in London, continental Europe and the Middle East, Rachel is here to share her knowledge and help you understand more about insurance products in this easy-to-understand series of videos and blogs.