Maternity on your mind? Planning a pregnancy but not sure if your Plan covers pregnancy?
We’ve covered the top 5 common concerns here!

Is maternity insurance mandatory in Dubai?

Federal law stipulates that medical/health insurance is mandatory, with the minimum cover in Dubai being that provided by the DHA-led Essential Benefits Plan available from all Health Insurers. Pregnancy must be an included condition subject to minimum standards laid down by the DHA: however, Insurers are allowed to write variable cover based on their own terms and conditions, meaning that whilst there is minimum mandatory cover for all, the extent of cover varies from Plan to Plan.

Is Maternity cover provided under a basic plan?

Note that whilst Maternity coverage is available, there is a typical policy claim waiting period of 6 months. Further, any pregnancy arising within 40 days of the policy start date will not be covered (assuming also that the applicant was not pregnant when the policy incepted).

Can I get maternity insurance in Dubai if I am already pregnant?

When taking out a Plan you must declare to the Insurer if you are already pregnant at the time of application. Typically, existing pregnancy is not covered, however Day 1 coverage may be available from some Insurers for pregnant applicants upon acceptance from Underwriters and payment of their stated additional premium.

I’ve just had a baby and am now applying for Medical Insurance. Can I add my newborn to the Policy?

Usually Insurers would impose a six-month waiting period until a newborn can be added to the policy: however, recent reforms influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, saw the Dubai Health Authority instruct insurers to remove this limitation, and further, that they should provide cover for infants for the first 30 days after they are born. This cover offers financial protection and peace of mind in the event of complications needing further hospitalization and/or treatment.

What is the cost of maternity cover in Dubai?

Since there are many insurers offering maternity cover under a wide range of Plans, it’s hard to give any fixed prices. Typically covers and costs fall into 3 categories: prenatal, delivery and antenatal, with the indicative price ranges costs of each being AED6,000-AED22,000+; AED2,000-AED14,000 (normal delivery) and AED27,000 (C-Section delivery); and AED2,000-AED8000 respectively, and based on whether care is administered in a public hospital or private facility.

Who offers the best maternity insurance in the UAE?

With so many insurers offering health insurance with maternity coverage in the UAE you’re spoilt for choice! All insurance companies are subject to regulation and licencing so are equally reputable. When choosing who to buy your Plan from, you may like to consider household names such as AXA, Oman Insurance and Orient or other regionally respected brands such as Daman, NAS or Salama.

About Author

Rachel Al Mughairi

About Author

With over 34 years in the international insurance industry in a variety of senior management roles, and as holder of the Diploma in Insurance from the Chartered Insurance Institute, Rachel surely knows her insurance! With experience in London, continental Europe and the Middle East, Rachel is here to share her knowledge and help you understand more about insurance products in this easy-to-understand series of videos and blogs.