Health insurance is very important in Dubai and the UAE. However, many people still decide not to get insured, even though it is required by law. Knowing why people skip health insurance can help them make better choices for their health and money. This article looks at the common reasons why people skip health insurance plans in Dubai and the UAE and gives simple tips to help make better decisions.


Dubai and the UAE have excellent healthcare, but only some have health insurance. Health insurance is crucial because it helps pay for medical costs and gives you peace of mind during emergencies. Still, there are many reasons why people in the UAE want to avoid getting insured. 

Now let’s have a look at the common reasons and clear up any misunderstandings about health insurance:

Reasons why people avoid health insurance in the UAE?

Mentioned below are the common reasons why people skip health insurance plans in Dubai and the UAE:

1. High costs of premiums

  • A belief that it’s too expensive: Many people think that health insurance is a waste of money because they believe the cost is too high compared to the benefits. This belief often comes from not knowing about the different plans available. 
  • Reality check: The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) says basic insurance plans for low-income people can be affordable. So, comparing different plans and finding one that suits your needs and budget is important.

2. Overconfidence in health

  • Feeling healthy: Some people, especially young ones, feel very healthy and think they don’t need health insurance because they rarely get sick. They prefer to save money now instead of spending it on insurance; they believe they will never need it.
  • Why it’s important to be prepared: Health can change suddenly. One unexpected medical emergency can cost a lot of money. Health insurance helps cover a big part of these costs, acting like a safety net.

3. Lack of awareness

  • Misunderstanding the coverage: Many people assume that their health insurance will cover all their medical needs, which can lead to surprises when certain treatments or medications aren’t covered. This lack of understanding can result in unexpected out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Need for more education: The UAE government has started several programs to teach residents about the importance of health insurance, but not everyone understands it fully. It’s important for residents to learn about local laws and why insurance is a necessary part of life out here.

4. Complexity of insurance plans

  • Too many options: There are many health insurance plans, and this can confuse people. Terms like deductibles, co-pays, and exclusions can be hard to understand, making some people avoid buying insurance altogether.
  • Making choices easier: Insurance companies and brokers in the UAE, like a leading insurance broker, provide tools and advisors to help people choose the right plan. Using these resources can make it easier to find a suitable plan.

5. Preference for self-pay

  • Paying directly: Some people prefer to pay for healthcare only when needed instead of buying an insurance plan. They think this saves money in the short term.
  • Risks of paying out of pocket: While paying out of pocket might be okay for small expenses, it can be very expensive if a serious illness or health condition occurs, leading to large medical bills.

Step-by-step guide: How to pick the right health insurance plan in the UAE?

Picking the right plan isn’t that complicated, but one needs to be well-informed about the basics, and with the help of any advisor, these steps become easier:

Know your needsBefore selecting a health insurance plan, think about your health requirements, including age, existing health conditions, and family coverage needs.
Types of coverageHealth insurance in the UAE offers various coverage levels. Basic plans cover essential services, while comprehensive plans include specialists, medications, dental, and eye care.
Hospital and clinic networksCheck which hospitals and clinics are covered by the plan. Ensure it includes reputable medical facilities near your home or workplace for convenience.
Cost and paymentsReview the monthly premiums and any extra costs, such as co-pays or deductibles. Some plans may have higher premiums but reduce treatment expenses.
What’s not covered and waiting periodBe aware of exclusions (what’s not covered) and waiting periods for certain treatments. This will help avoid surprises when you need care.
Extra benefitsSome plans offer extra benefits such as wellness programs or international coverage. Consider if these extras fit your needs.
Provider’s reputationCheck customer reviews to research the insurance provider’s reputation. A well-regarded provider often offers better service and a smoother claims process.
Following the rulesEnsure the plan complies with the Dubai Health Authority or other local regulations. This guarantees that your coverage meets the necessary legal standards.

What’s the final takeaway?

So there you have it—the common reasons why people skip health insurance plans in Dubai and the UAE. While not getting health insurance might seem like a way to save money initially, it can lead to serious financial breakdowns in the long run. By understanding why some opt-out and why coverage is important, residents can make more informed choices to safeguard their health and finances. 

For those looking to explore their options, it’s worth considering why getting coverage sooner is beneficial and which companies offer the best plans for your needs in Dubai

To explore plans that fit your needs and ensure you’re protected, take a moment to check out the options available on Being prepared is always better than facing unexpected costs unprotected.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. What happens if you don’t have health insurance in Dubai?
If you don’t have health insurance in Dubai, you can be fined above AED 500.

Q. Is health insurance required in Dubai and the UAE?
Everyone in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Northern Emirates must have health insurance. If you don’t have it, you can be fined.

Q. How does the cost of health insurance affect people’s decisions in the UAE?
The cost can stop some people from getting health insurance, especially if they are on a budget or don’t see why they need it.

Q. Are there cheaper health insurance options in Dubai and the UAE?
Yes, there are health insurance plans at different prices to fit different needs and budgets. It’s good to compare plans to find the right one for you.

Q. Can expats in Dubai avoid health insurance if they have coverage from their home country?
No, Dubai expats need health insurance that meets local rules, even if they have insurance from their home country.

About Author

Pragya Banerjee

About Author

Pragya is a content writer with over 2 years of experience who thrives on the power of storytelling. She crafts clear, engaging content that resonates with audiences and transforms ideas into fresh, compelling pieces. When she's not writing, Pragya might be found curled up with a good book, exploring a new coffee shop, or seeking inspiration in nature. This constant curiosity fuels her creativity, allowing her to bring fresh perspectives to every project.