Choosing health insurance for your family can be a daunting task; after all, our loved ones are always our top priority, and health comes a close second. However, don’t be put off by the process of purchasing this product, it can be broken down into a few simple steps, which we’ll explore in this blog.

Here are a few things to consider when selecting family health insurance:

Decide on the Plan Type

With so many different types of health insurance plans for families available, you’re spoilt for choice! Each plan is tailored to suit different needs so consider what they have to offer carefully, and ensure it suits your personal circumstances. For example, you may have been using a specific healthcare professional or provider for your medical treatment, or a particular paediatrician for your children’s needs. It might therefore be a priority concern for you to continue with those providers so always check the plans available carefully to see which clinicians and centres are specified in the respective networks. It’s always better to ask upfront rather than be faced with a situation later that leads to disappointment or a situation not being covered as you would wish.

Shop Around

Once you’ve determined which type of family health insurance plan best suits your needs, it’s time to start looking at different options. Research different plans to find one that fits within your budget, as well as covers the services that you and your family need. Also, make sure to check the details of each plan thoroughly to know what percentage of medical costs will be covered, which providers are in-network as per the above, and if there are any out-of-pocket costs.

Compare Deductibles and Co-Payment Requirements

Different plans have different deductibles and co-payments, so be sure to compare these to see which set-up will give you the best deal for your family. You should also take into account the
co-insurance and co-payment terms: these are the percentages of medical costs and visits that you will be responsible for after the deductible is met.

Understand the Benefits

Knowing what benefits each plan offers can help you make an informed decision. Many plans are just a basic health plan, while others provide additional services such as dental and vision. Dental and vision costs can soon mount up, especially for a family, so it’s often worth paying a little extra premium-wise to include the cover than having to fund entirely yourself “ground-up” later. Knowing what is covered and what is not can ensure that you are selecting the right plan for your family.

Find Out About Special Programs

Finally, find out if the plan you are considering offers any special programs. Some health insurance plans for families offer wellness programs such as discounts for gym memberships or nutrition classes. Other plans also provide telemedicine, which can save you time and money by providing quick and convenient access to healthcare without leaving your home.

By doing a bit of research and asking the right questions, you can find the best health plan for your family. Ultimately, the ideal plan should provide comprehensive coverage for both you and your family, at an affordable cost. Be sure to shop around and compare prices and benefits to ensure that you are selecting the best plan for your needs.

Final Thoughts

Health insurance is always an important purchase but never more so than when it’s for your family. Always buy the most comprehensive family health insurance plan that you can and provide financial security and peace of mind to your loved ones in the event of their unexpected illness.

With so many different plans available, it’s advisable speaking to an insurance expert before you buy a family health insurance plan to learn more about the different types of policies that are available, and which would be the best option for you.

Always consider the bigger picture. Insurance is all about the sudden and unforeseen, and it’s the unpredictability of costs and occurrences that cause concern, especially with health situations that are emotional by nature. Try to picture scenarios that could happen and build those into your cover plans. The single biggest complaint with health insurance is people not being covered for a situation they thought they would be, so never assume and never take anything for granted. Consider possibilities, research options, carefully check cover available, recognise the value that paying a bit extra can get you in terms of coverage and ultimately, peace of mind. That’s priceless!

About Author

Rachel Al Mughairi

About Author

With over 34 years in the international insurance industry in a variety of senior management roles, and as holder of the Diploma in Insurance from the Chartered Insurance Institute, Rachel surely knows her insurance! With experience in London, continental Europe and the Middle East, Rachel is here to share her knowledge and help you understand more about insurance products in this easy-to-understand series of videos and blogs.