Are you living in Dubai and need to get an MRN number? Don’t worry; we’ll explain how to do it in a simple way. An MRN number is like a special code that helps the government of Dubai know who you are and gives you access to different things.

It doesn’t matter if you are from Dubai, another country, or if you rely on someone else; having an MRN number is important. It helps you go to the doctor and use government services easily. It makes everything more convenient for you.

So, let’s learn how to get an MRN step by step.

What is an MRN? 


An MRN stands for Medical Record Number. It is a unique and important number that the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) gives you when you visit a hospital or clinic in Dubai.

You can do some really useful things using it. First, you can use it to look at your medical records online. That means you can see all the information about your health, like when you went to the doctor and what treatments or medicines you had.

Second, your MRN helps you make appointments with doctors and other healthcare providers. So you don’t have to wait in long lines or make many phone calls. You can use your MRN to schedule a time to see a doctor. This will literally save you time and makes things easier.

You can use your MRN for treatment at any hospital or clinic in the Dubai Health Authority. So even if you go to a different place for your healthcare needs, the doctors will still have access to your important medical information. It’s like having your health history follow you wherever you go.

Lastly, when applying for Health Insurance in Dubai, providing your MRN number helps your insurance provider access your medical history, enabling them to assess your health condition accurately and offer appropriate coverage options. It ensures a smoother and more efficient insurance application process, allowing insurers to tailor their plans to your healthcare needs.

Eligibility Criteria for Obtaining an MRN Number

The eligibility criteria for obtaining an MRN number for Dubai Emirates residents are as follows:

  • You must be a resident of Dubai.
  • You must provide a valid passport or an Emirates ID. 
  • You must be 16 years of age or older.
  • You must be able to provide your date of birth.
  • You must provide your current address in Dubai.

How To Get An MRN Number?


If you want to register for an MRN number, there are two ways you can do it: in person or online. 

Let me explain both ways to you.

  • To register in person, you need to go to a hospital or clinic that is part of the Dubai Health Authority (DHA). 
  • Make sure to bring your Emirates ID or passport and your date of birth with you. They will ask for these to confirm your identity. 
  • Then, you will need to fill out a form with some information about yourself.

If you prefer to register online, you can do it from the comfort of your home. 

  • First, visit the DHA website
  • Then, create an account by following the instructions. 
  • Once you have an account, you can start registering for an MRN. 
  • They will ask for your Emirates ID or passport number and your date of birth. 
  • After you enter this information, click on the “Continue” button. 
  • Next, you will need to fill out a form with some details about yourself.
  • Once you finish filling out the form, click on the “Submit” button.

After you complete either the in-person or online registration process, you will be given your MRN number. It’s a special 15-digit number that is unique to you. Make sure to keep it in a safe place because you will need it for future medical appointments and accessing healthcare services.

That’s it! Now you know how to register for an MRN number, whether you choose to do it in person or online.

Documents and Information Required for MRN Application 


When applying for an MRN in Dubai, you must provide certain documents and information to complete the application process. These documents are essential for verifying your identity, residency status, and address. 

Here are the key documents and information required for an MRN application:

Proof of Identity:

  • Emirates ID: A valid Emirates ID card as an official identification document.
  • Passport: A copy of your passport includes personal details and a valid residency visa page.

Proof of Residency:

  • Residence Visa: A copy of your valid residence visa or residency permit issued by the relevant authorities in Dubai.
  • Tenancy Contract: If you are a tenant, also show a copy of a tenancy contract as proof of residency status.

Proof of Address:

  • Utility Bill: You can use a recent utility bill, such as electricity or water, to reflect your current residential address.
  • Tenancy Agreement: If you rent a property, a copy of your tenancy agreement can serve as proof of address.

Other Supporting Documents

You should provide some extra documents along with your application too. For example, if you are a dependent, which means you rely on someone else, you might have to show papers that prove your relationship with the person who is sponsoring you.

It’s really important to make sure that all the documents you give are valid, clear, and easy to read. That way, the officials can easily understand and verify the information you’re providing. Keep in mind that the specific documents you need are different based on your own situation and the rules that are in place when you apply.

So, when you’re gathering your documents, make sure they’re up to date, easy to understand, and meet the requirements for your specific circumstances. That way, your application process will go smoothly.


Getting an MRN number is like joining a special club in Dubai that helps you do lots of important things easily. Once you have your MRN number, it becomes the special code that you can use to access different services and opportunities in Dubai.

Remember your MRN number and keep it safe because you will need it when you want to do certain things with the government. They will ask for your MRN number when you need to do the necessary paperwork or other administrative stuff.

So, all you need to do is follow the application process, give them the documents they ask for, and then you will get your MRN number. Once you have it, you will enjoy the benefits of being a resident in Dubai, and everything will be more convenient for you.

About Author

Hanna Rico

About Author

Hanna Mae Rico is a skilled content writer. With a bachelor's degree in English Language Studies, Hanna has spent over three years working in the digital marketing industry. Her versatility shines through her ability to captivate audiences with lifestyle, travel, and other engaging topics. Her love of written words and her innate ability to transport readers to different places make her a true wordsmith.