We love to celebrate the new year here in the UAE and 2022 was no exception. Despite the earlier downpour, thousands gathered to welcome in another 365 days of opportunity with optimism: proving that whether the weather is good or bad, nothing can dampen the spirits!

Whilst local forecasters are usually good at predicting weather changes, sudden rainfall and the sheer volume of it can take even the most skilled precipitation pundits by surprise. That’s why we’d always advise considering how you can ‘rein in’ the rain risk!

Torrential rain wreaks havoc not only on our plans but also our possessions.

Water and electricity are a dangerous combination, so we’d always advise to protect your power by switching off unnecessary supply, raise any floor-level cables to an increased height and secure any loose or hanging wires. Stormy conditions can also cause power surges, resulting in possible breakdown of electrical appliances and even electrical fire with disastrous consequences. Sudden or gradual ingress of water is also a problem: with leaking water causing damage to contents, short-out of electrical circuits and structural damage: especially if that ingress reaches flood proportions. It’s therefore essential that you keep an eye on weather conditions, take corrective actions to manage any risks and ensure you maintain your property. Some Home insurers even state this in their cover terms and conditions so we’d recommend you do your homework!

We know it might seem obvious and simple, but we’d encourage you to think carefully about your daily routine. Take greater care when driving, reduce your speed and even re-think unnecessary journeys: only going out if you have to. Did you know that some motor insurance policies have clauses restricting, or even excluding, the driving of vehicles in flood conditions, so don’t get caught out. And if you’re a small business owner, landlord or even a private homeowner expecting visitors, think about those communal areas. Wet floors are a hidden hazard with increased slip and trip risk, which can leave you exposed to liability claims, which are often intensive to defend and expensive to settle.

So, whilst the skies may not be clear, the need to ensure you have insurance most definitely is! Contact us at InsuranceMarket.ae and see how we can help you weather any storm.

About Author

Rachel Al Mughairi

About Author

With over 34 years in the international insurance industry in a variety of senior management roles, and as holder of the Diploma in Insurance from the Chartered Insurance Institute, Rachel surely knows her insurance! With experience in London, continental Europe and the Middle East, Rachel is here to share her knowledge and help you understand more about insurance products in this easy-to-understand series of videos and blogs.