Navigating the complex terrain of finance, particularly in understanding credit scores in the UAE, can be daunting. This comprehensive guide is crafted to demystify this critical aspect of financial health, breaking down the concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. It’s tailored for financial mavens and everyone, regardless of their background. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur seeking to establish a solid financial foundation, a student eager to learn the ropes of personal finance, or someone aiming to enhance their financial management skills, this guide is invaluable. 

It covers the fundamentals of credit scores, explaining their significance, the factors influencing them, and practical steps to improve them. Additionally, it offers insights into how credit scores impact various aspects of your financial life in the UAE, from securing loans to managing credit cards. Empower yourself with this guide, and turn the often perplexing world of finance into a navigable and rewarding journey.

What is a Credit Score in the UAE?

A credit score is like a financial report card that shows how well you manage your money. It’s a number that banks and other lenders look at to decide if they should lend you money or give you a credit card. Think of it as your financial reputation – the higher your score, the better your chances of getting loans and credit cards with good terms.

How is a Credit Score Calculated in the UAE?

In the UAE, credit scores are calculated by Al Etihad Credit Bureau (AECB). They look at several things, including:

  1. How timely you pay your bills: Paying your bills on time can positively affect your score.
  2. Your debt amount: Too much debt can lower your score.
  3. The length of your credit history: A longer history of good credit management can boost your score.
  4. The types of credit you use: A mix of credit types (like credit cards, car loans, and mortgages) can be beneficial.

How to Check Credit Score in the UAE?

You can check your credit score online, through an app, or by visiting a branch.

Check Credit Score Online through the AECB Website

  • Step 1: Visit the official AECB website.
  • Step 2: Choose “For Individual” or “For Companies.”
  • Step 3: Click on “Get a Credit Report Now.”
  • Step 4: Log in or sign up.
  • Step 5: Select “Get Report.”
  • Step 6: Pay the fee to download your credit report.

Check Credit Score Using the AECB App

  • Step 1: Download the AECB App from iOS or Google Play Store.
  • Step 2: Log in by scanning your Emirates ID.
  • Step 3: Click on “Get Credit Report.”
  • Step 4: Pay the fee to download the report.

Check Credit Score Visiting AECB Branches

  • Visit any AECB Branch with your Passport Copy, Emirates ID, and Valid Email Address. Request a credit score check and report. Note that fees may vary.

Cost of Checking Your Credit Score in the UAE

For Individuals:

  • Via AECB Website: 10.50 AED for credit score, 84 AED ore with report.
  • Via AECB Branches: 21 AED for credit score, 105 AED for score with the report.

For Companies:

  • Via AECB Website: 10.50 AED for credit score, 157.50 AED for score with the report.
  • Via AECB Branches: 21 AED for credit score, 189 AED for a score with report.

Requirements for Checking Your Credit Score

  • For individuals: Passport Copy, Original Emirates ID, Valid Email Address.
  • For companies: Valid Email Address, Valid Trade License, Authorized Letter, Bank’s Authorized Signatory.

Why is a Good Credit Score Important?

A good credit score is key to unlocking several financial benefits in the UAE. Here are a few:

  • Easier loan approvals: Banks are more likely to approve your loan application if you have a high credit score.
  • Lower interest rates: A better credit score can get you lower interest rates on loans and credit cards, saving you money in the long run.
  • Better credit card offers: You might get access to credit cards with better rewards and benefits.

Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

If your credit score isn’t where you want it to be, don’t worry! Here are some tips to help you improve it:

  1. Apply for credit: Begin by getting a credit card or a small loan. Make sure to make timely payments and borrow only what you can repay.
  2. Make timely repayments: Pay your credit card and loan bills and utility and rent payments on time. Set up automatic payments if necessary.
  3. Monitor your credit report: Regularly review your credit report for accuracy and correct errors by contacting the credit bureau.
  4. Maintain a good credit utilization ratio: Use your credit wisely and keep your credit card balances well below the limit, ideally below 30%.
  5. Don’t make multiple applications: Avoid applying for multiple loans or credit cards simultaneously, as this can negatively impact your credit score.
  6. Pay off overdue debt: Focus on clearing any outstanding debts, especially credit card debts, as soon as possible.
  7. Don’t pay off loans early: Keep older accounts open, and don’t close down loans before maturity to demonstrate a longer credit history.

Understanding Your Credit Report

Now that you know your credit score, let’s discuss your credit report. This report is like a detailed story of how you handle your money. It includes your credit history, the loans you have taken, your payment habits, and much more. Understanding your credit report can help you better manage your credit score.

Key Elements of Your Credit Report

  1. Personal information: Your name, address, and other basic details.
  2. Credit accounts: Details about your current and past credit accounts, including the type of account (credit card, car loan, etc.), the credit limit, and the account balance.
  3. Payment history: Records of your payments, showing whether they were on time, late, or missed.
  4. Inquiries: A list of entities that have requested your credit report, like when you apply for a loan or credit card.

How to Get Credit Report

  1. Identify the credit bureau: First, determine which credit bureau you want to obtain your report from. The UAE’s Al Etihad Credit Bureau (AECB) is the best option. 
  2. Visit the official website: Go to the official website of the credit bureau. For AECB, you attempted to visit
  3. Find the credit report section: Look for a section dedicated to obtaining a credit report on the website. This is usually found in the menu or prominently displayed on the homepage.
  4. Create an account: If required, create an account on the bureau’s website. This typically involves providing personal information such as your name, address, and identification details.
  5. Verify your identity: You may need to verify your identity to access your credit report. This could involve answering security questions or providing documentation.
  6. Request your credit report: Follow the instructions on the website to request your credit report. This might involve filling out a form or simply clicking a button.
  7. Choose report type: If there are different types of reports available (e.g., detailed report, summary, etc.), select the one that suits your needs.
  8. Pay any required fees: Some bureaus charge a fee for credit reports. If there’s a fee, you’ll need to pay it online.
  9. Download or receive your report: Once your request is processed, you can download the report directly from the website or receive it via email or postal mail.
  10. Review your credit report: Review it carefully for errors or unfamiliar activities after receiving it.

Common Misconceptions About Credit Scores

There are many myths about credit scores. Let’s bust some common misconceptions:

  • Myth: Checking your credit score often will lower it.
    • Truth: Checking your own credit score is considered a “soft inquiry” and does not affect your score.
  • Myth: Your salary influences your credit score.
    • Truth: Your income doesn’t directly affect your credit score, though it may impact your ability to pay debts.

To read more credit scores browse through our blog about ‘Debunking Credit Score Myths’.

Credit Scores and Financial Opportunities in the UAE

A good credit score in the UAE can open doors to various financial opportunities. For instance, a high credit score might help you secure a business loan with favorable terms if you’re looking to start a business. For families planning to buy a home, a good credit score is essential for securing a mortgage.

FAQs About Credit Scores

Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about credit scores:

  • Can I improve my credit score overnight?
    Improving a credit score is a gradual process. Quick fixes are rare, so focusing on consistent, responsible financial habits is best.
  • Does closing old credit accounts improve my score?
    Not necessarily. Sometimes, closing old accounts can shorten your credit history, negatively impacting your score
  • How often is my credit score updated?
    Credit scores are typically updated monthly, but this can vary depending on the credit bureau and your financial activity..

Final Thoughts

Credit scores in the UAE play a crucial role in your financial journey. By understanding how they work and what impacts them, you take a big step towards financial literacy and independence. 

Remember, a good credit score is valuable, so nurture and protect it like any other important aspect of your life. Stay informed, make smart financial decisions, and watch your credit score grow. Here’s to a brighter financial future!

About Author

Rizalie Gumalog

About Author

Rizalie Gumalog is a digital storyteller known for her eclectic writing styles that captivate audiences. With her almost 3 years of experience, she crafts engaging articles that build meaningful connections between brands and their audience. Drawing inspiration from nature and music, Riza is committed to creating enriching experiences and is always ready for new digital explorations.