The UAE is known for its safety and security, but emergencies can happen anywhere. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, knowing the right emergency numbers can make a critical difference. This guide covers all the essential emergency numbers in UAE, helping you stay prepared and safe.

List of Emergency Numbers in UAE

997Fire Department
991Electricity Failure
992Water Emergency
996Coast Guard
993Municipality Emergency
995Find & Rescue
800 342Non-Emergency Medical Services

Let’s understand these numbers and when you need them in detail:

Police – 999

Call 999 for any police-related emergencies, such as crimes, accidents, or immediate threats to safety.

When to Call:

  • Reporting a crime
  • Road accidents
  • Any situation needing police help

Ambulance – 998

Dial 998 for medical emergencies. This 24/7 service ensures quick response to medical crises.

When to Call:

  • Severe injuries
  • Urgent medical conditions
  • Unconscious individuals

Fire Department – 997

For fire-related emergencies, call 997 to reach the Dubai Civil Defence.

When to Call:

  • Fire outbreaks
  • Gas leaks
  • Chemical spills

Electricity – 991

Dial 991 for power outages handled by the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA).

When to Call:

  • Power outages
  • Short Circuits
  • Electrical hazards

Water – 992

Dial 992 for water emergencies handled by the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)

When to Call:

  • Water disputes
  • Water shortage

Coast Guard – 996

For maritime emergencies, call 996 for the Coast Guard. This includes boat accidents and water rescues.

When to Call:

  • Maritime accidents
  • Water rescues
  • Any danger at sea

Municipality Emergency – 993

Contact the Dubai Municipality at 993 for environmental and public health emergencies, such as sanitation problems and pest control.

When to Call:

  • Sanitation emergencies
  • Pest infestations
  • Public health concerns

Non-Emergency Medical Services – 800 342

For non-urgent medical advice and information, dial 800 342. This hotline offers medical consultations and information on healthcare services.

When to Call:

  • Non-urgent medical advice
  • Information on healthcare facilities
  • Medical consultations

Understanding Emergencies

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Emergencies can happen anytime, and having the right information is important. Whether you live in Dubai or are just visiting, it’s important to know the local emergency numbers. Here, you will know the main emergency contacts, what they are for, and how to use them effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide on What to Do in an Emergency:

  • Stay Calm: Don’t panic. Take a deep breath and stay calm.
  • Assess the Situation: Figure out what the emergency is and who is in danger.
  • Call for Help: Use the list above to call the right emergency service.
  • Give Clear Information: Clearly explain what is happening, your name, where you are, and other important details.
  • Follow Instructions: Listen to the emergency operator and do what they say.
  • Wait for Help: Stay safe and keep others safe until emergency responders arrive.

What Should Visitors Expect in the United Arab Emirates?

The United Arab Emirates is generally safe for visitors. Some pickpockets and bag-snatchers occur in crowded shopping areas, but this is rare. Mugging and scams are also uncommon.

The low crime rate is partly due to the population makeup. Only about 11.48% of people are regular citizens; most are expats and immigrants. The Emirates quickly deports anyone who causes trouble.

There is some risk of natural disasters, so you might need to call emergency services. Sandstorms are common but manageable, and thunderstorms happen regularly.

Temperatures can reach up to 50 Celsius (122 Fahrenheit) in some parts of the year, which is very hot and can cause heatstroke or other health issues. Stay in cool areas, drink plenty of water, and ask for help if you feel at risk from the heat.

Final Takeaway:

Having the right emergency numbers ready can be important in a crisis. Keep the list of emergency numbers in UAE accessible, and ensure you and your loved ones know how to react in an emergency. 

The United Arab Emirates has a strong and efficient emergency network that can handle almost any problem you might face. With many foreign visitors, they are experienced in helping non-citizens, so you shouldn’t face any language or other barriers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. Is emergency treatment free in the UAE?

Medical care is available in the UAE at private and government hospitals. In an emergency, treatment to stabilise you is free. For other treatments, you must pay with cash, credit card, or insurance.

Q. What should I do if I don’t speak Arabic?

Operators in UAE’s emergency services often speak English. When calling, state your language preference; they will assist you accordingly.

Q. Can I call 999 for non-emergencies?

No, 999 should only be used for real emergencies. For non-urgent matters, contact the relevant non-emergency services.

Q. What if I’m unable to speak during an emergency call?

If you cannot speak, try to use text messaging or another means of communication to inform someone who can call you. Emergency operators are trained to handle various situations, including silent calls.

Q. Is hospital care free in UAE?

The UAE has two types of hospitals: government hospitals and private hospitals. Government hospitals are free to Emirati citizens, while private hospitals are owned by companies, and you must pay to use them.

About Author

Pragya Banerjee

About Author

Pragya is a content writer with over 2 years of experience who thrives on the power of storytelling. She crafts clear, engaging content that resonates with audiences and transforms ideas into fresh, compelling pieces. When she's not writing, Pragya might be found curled up with a good book, exploring a new coffee shop, or seeking inspiration in nature. This constant curiosity fuels her creativity, allowing her to bring fresh perspectives to every project.