The UAE Family Book is a crucial document that serves as an official record of your family lineage. It contains information on parents, spouses, and children and is often required for various government services.  

This guide will walk you through the process of updating your UAE Family Book, ensuring your family record remains accurate and reflects any recent changes.

Why It’s Important to Update Your UAE Family Book Details

Here’s why keeping your UAE Family Book details updated is important:

Accuracy for Government Services

The Family Book in UAE acts as a key piece of identification for many government processes in the UAE. Outdated information can cause delays or complications when applying for services like marriage licenses, enrolling children in school, or accessing social security benefits.

Legal Documentation

The UAE Family Book serves as legal documentation for your family structure. Up-to-date details ensure your family ties are properly recognised, which can be important for inheritance rights, child custody matters, or proving familial relationships.

Streamlined Processes

Having an accurate UAE Family Book can streamline various administrative tasks. With current information, you won’t need to provide additional documentation to verify family details each time you interact with government entities.

Reduced Errors

Outdated information can lead to errors in official records. Keeping your UAE Family Book updated minimises the risk of mistakes and ensures a smooth flow when dealing with government authorities.

Requirements and Details 

To activate your request, please follow the instructions and requirements below. Failing to do so may lead to cancellation. Please take note that this service is only available to UAE Nationals who are registered in a Family Book in UAE.

The service itself must be completed by the person it applies. You can expect to receive the service within 48 hours.

Here is the information you need to know for every amendment type, as well as the requirements and fees involved.

When Adding Newborn Information to the UAE Family Book

  • Documents Required:
    • Birth certificate
    • Newborn Personal Photo

Additional Information:

Adding a newborn child to a family book depends on the mother’s citizenship:

  • UAE Citizen Mother:
    • The marriage contract is required.
    • The wife will be added to the family book before registering the newborn.
  • Non-UAE Citizen Mother:
    • The marriage contract is required.
    • Adding the mother to the family book is optional.
  • If the child was born outside the UAE:
    • The original birth certificate needs to be replaced with one issued by the official authorities in that country.
    • If the child uses an emergency passport to enter the UAE, you will need to surrender it.
  • Fees:
    • None

When Adding a Wife Information to the UAE Family Book

Documents Required:

  • The marriage contract
  • Original passport copy if the wife is a non-UAE national.
  • A copy of the wife’s birth certificate.
  • The last academic qualification of the wife.
  • To Whom It May Concern: Certificate for the wife in case of work

Additional Information:

  • Marriage Abroad: The marriage contract needs to be officially certified. Additionally, proof of ongoing marriage (marriage continuity) must be obtained from within the UAE.
  • Marriage in the UAE: If more than a year has passed since your marriage contract within the UAE, you’ll need to obtain a document showing the marriage is still ongoing (marriage continuity).
  • For Unemployed Husbands: A document from the court acknowledging this status (state acknowledgement of non-working) might be required if the husband is unemployed.


  • None

When Removing Information from the UAE Family Card Due to Divorce

Documents Required:

  • Divorce Certificate.

Additional Information:

  • The family book is updated electorally.


  • Request free 50 AED
  • Issue Fee 25 AED
  • Smart Services 50 AED
  • Only applies if a family book is issued for the Divorced Wife.

When Removing Information Due to Death

Documents Required:

  • Passport
  • Death Certificate

Additional Information:

  • Foreign Death Certificate: The death certificate issued from a foreign country will need to be replaced with one issued by the official authorities in the UAE.
  • Nationality Documents: When the deceased is removed from the family book, their nationality documents must be surrendered.


  • None

When Amending Name in UAE Family Card

Documents Required:

  • First name amendment book from the Sharia Court

Eligibility to Update First Name:

  • Marital Status: You can be unmarried or married with minor children.
  • Name Change Scope: Only the first name, including compound names, can be modified.
  • Name Selection: The new name cannot be common in the UAE.


  • None

How to Update Family Book Details in UAE

Using the Smart Services System Website or Mobile Application

Step 1: Access the System

Click on this website:

Step 2: Find the Service

Navigate to the “Services section” at the upper left portion of the website. From there, click “Citizenship and Personal Status”, then choose “Issuance of Family Book”. Afterwards, select “Amendment of Family Book”.

Step 3: Click Start Service

It will open a page where it gives you all the information to you need to know about amending your family book details. Carefully read them. Once done, click on ‘Start Service” at the right end of the page.

Step 4: Log In

Log in to the smart services system through (UAE Pass or username). Use your digital identity or username and password.

Note: If you don’t have an account yet, you must register first.

Step 5. Complete Application

Please carefully complete all the required information in the application including personal details and attachments of required documents. 

Double-check your entries for accuracy before proceeding.

Step 5: Pay the Fee (if applicable)

Review if the service has an associated fee. If a fee applies, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the payment process. 

Step 6: Track Your Request (Optional)

Upon successful submission, you’ll typically receive a confirmation message or email with a reference number for your request. You can use this reference number to track the progress of your request within the website or mobile app.

Step 7: Receive Service Outputs 

The outcome might be delivered electronically through your mobile app’s eWallet section. For example, it could be a digital certificate or permit accessible within your account.

Submitting a Service Request in Person at a Customer Happiness Center

Step 1: Locate a Center

Find the nearest Customer Happiness Center convenient for you.

You might be able to locate them through the service provider’s website or mobile app.

Step 2: Obtain a Queue Ticket

Upon arrival at the centre, proceed to the designated area to obtain queue tickets.

Look for a kiosk or approach a staff member to get a ticket specific to your required service.

Step 3: Wait for Your Turn

Sit in the waiting area and observe the screens or announcements for your queue number to be called.

Step 4: Submit Your Application

Once your number is called, approach the designated customer service representative.

Clearly explain the service you’re requesting. Provide all the required documents and ensure your application fulfils the necessary conditions.

Step 5: Pay the Fee (if applicable)

The representative will inform you if there’s a service fee associated with your request.

If a fee applies, follow the staff’s instructions to complete the payment process.

Step 6: Obtain Service Outputs 

The results will be delivered electronically through your mobile app’s eWallet section.


What is the purpose of a UAE family book?

In the UAE, a family book serves as an official record of a family unit. It typically documents parents, children, and their marital status. This record may be required for various purposes, such as applying for government services, enrolling children in school, or obtaining certain benefits.

What should be included in a family book in UAE?

The issuing authority typically dictates this, and may not be customisable.

It likely focuses on official documentation, including:

  • Names and birthdates of family members (parents, children, spouse)
  • Marriage certificates
  • Proof of citizenship documents
  • Death certificates (if applicable)

What happens to the Family Book after someone dies?

The deceased person’s information is removed from the Family Book. Original nationality documents might need to be surrendered.

Is there a fee for applying for a Family Book or updating information in it?

Yes, there are associated fees for processing Family Book applications and updates. The specific charges can vary depending on the service and the Emirate you reside in.

What happens if I lose my Family Book?

If you lose your Family Book, you’ll need to report the loss to the authorities and apply for a replacement.  This process typically involves submitting a police report, an application form, and potentially some fees. The replacement Family Book will contain the same information as the original.

About Author

Hanna Rico

About Author

Hanna Mae Rico is a skilled content writer. With a bachelor's degree in English Language Studies, Hanna has spent over three years working in the digital marketing industry. Her versatility shines through her ability to captivate audiences with lifestyle, travel, and other engaging topics. Her love of written words and her innate ability to transport readers to different places make her a true wordsmith.