Travelling can be an exciting adventure, exploring new places, meeting new people, and creating unforgettable memories. Just like you pack your bags with essentials, it’s equally important to pack a safety net: travel insurance. This helps you in unexpected situations like lost luggage, medical emergencies, or trip cancellations. But here’s the catch – did you know that not all insurance claims get approved?

Lately, there’s been a rise in the number of travel insurance claims being turned down. Imagine finding yourself in a tough spot abroad, and your insurance claim is rejected – that’s a situation nobody wants to be in! 

This blog is here to guide you through all you need to know about why travel insurance claims can be rejected so that you can avoid it in your future travels.

Importance of Travel Insurance 

Travel Insurance Importance


Travel insurance is a type of insurance that covers you for unexpected events that can happen while you are traveling, such as medical expenses, trip cancellation or interruption, lost or stolen luggage, and more.

It can give you peace of mind knowing that you are protected in case something goes wrong during your trip. It can also help you avoid financial losses if you have to cancel or interrupt your trip for a covered reason.

Despite this coverage, there are instances where your claim can be rejected. That’s pretty bad, right? That is why it is important to know these common reasons and avoid it from happening.

Top Common Reasons for Travel Insurance Claim Rejection 

Travel Insurance Claim Rejection  Reasons


Insufficient Documentation

When filing a travel insurance claim, documentation is your best friend. This includes receipts for expenses incurred due to delays, cancellations, or medical emergencies. Medical reports are essential to substantiate health-related claims, while police reports are necessary for incidents involving theft, loss, or accidents.

During your trip, keeping thorough records of all your activities and expenses is crucial. This could be as simple as taking pictures of receipts and making notes about incidents. These records can provide strong evidence to support your claim and increase the chances of approval.

Pre-existing Medical Conditions

A pre-existing medical condition refers to any health issue that you already have before purchasing travel insurance. It’s vital to declare all such conditions when buying insurance to ensure that your coverage accurately reflects your health status.

Please disclose pre-existing medical conditions to avoid claim rejection. While it might seem tempting to omit certain conditions, full disclosure is essential. Some policies might offer coverage for pre-existing conditions if properly declared and accepted with the right terms.

Policy Exclusions

Many travel insurance policies have exclusions, such as coverage limitations on adventure sports, extreme activities, or travel to high-risk destinations. It’s crucial to understand these exclusions before you embark on your journey.

To avoid claim rejection due to policy exclusions, carefully read the policy’s fine print. Familiarize yourself with what activities or scenarios need to be covered. If your trip involves activities like bungee jumping or skiing, you might need to purchase additional coverage.

Travel Insurance Claim Rejection


Late Notification

In case of any incident that might lead to a claim, it’s vital to report it to the insurance provider as soon as possible. This could be a medical emergency, trip cancellation, or loss of baggage. Timely reporting allows the insurance company to assess the situation promptly.

Delayed reporting can lead to claim rejection, as the insurance company might not have the opportunity to investigate the situation thoroughly. Always report incidents promptly and provide all necessary details to ensure a smooth claims process.

Non-covered Circumstances

Travel insurance might not cover incidents that result from alcohol/drug-related activities or reckless behavior. Any resulting claims could be rejected if you’re involved in such activities. It’s essential to act responsibly during your travels.

To maximize your chances of travel insurance claim approval, prioritize responsible behavior throughout your trip. Avoid engaging in risky activities that could jeopardize your safety or the terms of your insurance coverage.

How to Avoid Travel Insurance Claim Rejections 

Avoid Travel Insurance Claim Rejections


Rejection of a travel insurance claim can be dreading, but thankfully, some tips can be taken to ensure that you have a smooth traveling experience.

  • Importance of providing honest information: Provide accurate and truthful information about your health, pre-existing conditions, and other relevant details. Failure to do so could result in claim rejection if the insurer discovers discrepancies.
  • Using insurer-provided medical declaration forms: These forms are designed to collect comprehensive information about your health status. It’s important to complete these forms accurately to ensure your coverage aligns with your health needs.
  • Thoroughly reading policy documents: Take the time to read through your policy documents carefully. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions during your travels and prevent surprises in case of a claim.
  • Seeking clarification from the insurance provider: If any part of the policy language is unclear, don’t hesitate to ask your insurance provider for clarification. Having a clear understanding of your coverage will help you avoid rejections due to misunderstandings.
  • Taking photos as evidence: In cases of theft, damage, or accidents, photos can provide valuable evidence to support your claim. Take pictures of your belongings, damaged property, and relevant scenes to strengthen your case.
  • Reporting incidents promptly: If an incident occurs that might lead to a claim, such as a medical emergency or lost baggage, report it to your insurance company promptly. Timely reporting allows for a quicker claims assessment and resolution.
  • Following the insurer’s specified claim submission process: Each insurance provider has a specific process for submitting claims. Make sure to follow these guidelines closely, providing all necessary information and documentation as required. This enhances the likelihood of a successful claim outcome.
  • Explore the possibility of appealing: If your claim is rejected and you believe it was unjustly denied, explore the possibility of appealing the decision. Review the rejection letter and gather additional evidence if necessary.


Overall, by being truthful and telling everything when you’re signing up, understanding what your insurance covers, keeping papers and receipts safe, telling the insurance company quickly if something goes wrong, and asking for help if they say “no,” you’re all set to handle any surprises in your travel insurance claim.
Travel insurance is like a helper that keeps you safe on your journey. With these ideas, you can travel with confidence, knowing you have a friend looking out for you.  Make sure to also check out some tips to save up on your travel insurance. So, go on and explore the UAE and other places – have fun, make memories, and let your insurance take care of the rest.

About Author

Hanna Rico

About Author

Hanna Mae Rico is a skilled content writer. With a bachelor's degree in English Language Studies, Hanna has spent over three years working in the digital marketing industry. Her versatility shines through her ability to captivate audiences with lifestyle, travel, and other engaging topics. Her love of written words and her innate ability to transport readers to different places make her a true wordsmith.