





How To Remove Black Points on License in Abu Dhabi?


How To Remove Black Points on License in Abu Dhabi?


Published on 11 Jul 2024

Last updated 11 Jul 2024

5 min read

Driving in Abu Dhabi means you need to follow traffic rules. You can get black points on your license if you break the traffic rules. Too many black points can lead to fines, license loss, or even jail. Knowing how to remove black points helps keep your driving record clean. This article explains how to remove black points on license in Abu Dhabi.

What are Black Points in Abu Dhabi?

Black points are penalties added to your driving record for breaking traffic rules. You might face fines, lose your license, or even go to jail if you get too many. Knowing how to remove black points on license in Abu Dhabi can help keep your driving record clean.

If drivers get 24 black points, their license will be suspended for three months for the first offence. If they get 24 points again, the license is suspended for one year. The license is taken away for the third offence, and they must take certain driving classes again.

Accumulating Black Points in Abu Dhabi:

Accumulating black points can lead to:

  • You may have to pay money as a penalty for traffic violations.
  • Your driving license will be suspended if you get 24 points within 12 months.
  • Serious violations might result in jail time.
  • This can lead to increased insurance premiums.
  • You may face difficulties renewing your vehicle registration.

How To Remove Black Points on License in Abu Dhabi?

Mentioned below are the ways how to remove black points on license in Abu Dhabi:

1. Through Traffic Black Points Reduction Program:

Drivers interested in the Traffic Black Points Reduction Program can call 600566006 for inquiries, register, or regain their revoked licenses after meeting the requirements.

The program helps drivers avoid having their licenses revoked and aims to improve driving behaviour. Participants attend lectures that remind them of the risks of traffic violations, which could lead to losing their licenses.

The Police Follow-up Department, through the Traffic Black Points Program Section, educates drivers and offers services to reduce traffic black points and prevent license revocation.

2. Transfer Black Points Abu Dhabi:

When you lend your vehicle to a friend or colleague, they might accidentally break a traffic rule. As a result, you could get fines and black points on your record. Your friend can pay the fine, but you need to transfer the black points to their license.

You can transfer black points from one license to another in Abu Dhabi through the TAMM portal in a few easy steps:

  • Visit the TAMM portal.
  • Sign in with a UAE pass.
  • Navigate to “Drive & Transport” and click on it.
  • Click “Fines & violations” on the upper left-hand side.
  • Click “Transfer Black Points”.
  • Click “Start Service”.
  • Select “Request to Transfer Traffic Black Points to Another Person.”
  • Upload the required documents, such as an Emirates ID, driving license, vehicle registration papers, and signature authorisation.
  • Enter your friend’s driving license number.
  • An OTP will be sent to your friend’s mobile number.
  • Get the OTP from your friend and submit it.
  • Wait for approval.

Once approved, the black points will be transferred to your friend’s license. This way, you can transfer black points from your license to someone else’s online.

3.  Pay Traffic Fines on Time

Paying traffic fines for minor violations can help reduce black points. However, all fines must be paid immediately to avoid extra penalties.


4. Wait for Points to Expire

Black points usually expire after one year. If you keep a clean driving record, the points will be automatically removed.


  • Monitor Your Record: Regularly check the status of your black points.
  • Drive Safely: Avoid any traffic violations during the validity period.

Final Takeaway:

So that was all about how to remove black points on license in Abu Dhabi. Maintaining a clean driving record in Abu Dhabi is important to avoid severe penalties and ensure road safety. You can effectively manage and reduce black points on your license by attending traffic school or programs, paying fines, and waiting for points to expire. Always stick to the traffic rules and regulations to prevent accumulating black points.

Don’t know how to pay traffic fines in Abu Dhabi? Well, we’ve got you covered. Check out this comprehensive guide on paying traffic fines in Abu Dhabi easily.

If you are staying in Dubai and not Abu Dhabi, it’s very important for you to know about the traffic rules and fines in Dubai and how you can remove black points from your license without any hassle. Wherever and whichever emirate you reside in, always be mindful and careful while driving and follow the rules and regulations properly to avoid accumulating black points or hefty traffic fines.

To know more about the traffic rules in UAE, check out this comprehensive guide.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. How Many Black Points Can I Get on My License in Abu Dhabi?
You can get up to 24 black points. Each traffic violation in Abu Dhabi has a specific number of black points based on its seriousness. If you accumulate 24 black points, your driving license can be suspended for three months for the first offence.

Q. Can I Transfer My Black Points to Another Person?
You can transfer black points to another person’s license. For more information, visit the TAMM Abu Dhabi website portal.



Pragya is a content writer with over 2 years of experience who thrives on the power of storytelling. She crafts clear, engaging content that resonates with audiences and transforms ideas into fresh, compelling pieces. When she's not writing, Pragya might be found curled up with a good book, exploring a new coffee shop, or seeking inspiration in nature. This constant curiosity fuels her creativity, allowing her to bring fresh perspectives to every project.

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